🥕chapter one🖤
about me
♡ draco/bat
♡ black
♡ witch/satanist
♡ 24
♡ autistic
♡ he/th/it + neos

♡ cartoons/animation, music, marvel, gaming, skateboarding, nature/flowers, anime, manga, comics, witchy things, reading, writing, playing instruments, astrology, makeup, animals, anything horror, learning languages, films (and more)
♡racists, homophobes, anti lgbt+ ppl, assholes

♡ i am sometimes rt heavy
♡ acc is mainly for corpse + tina and other subtwts
♡ i will reclaim slurs i can, and i will post my opinions whenever
♡ this acc is 18+
♡ you are racist, homophobic etc
♡ are a minor
♡ ableist
♡ make fun of neo pronouns